
组织使命 Mission

世界能源 中国能建 Bringing Energy to the World

战略愿景 Vision

行业领先 世界一流World-class Industrial Top leader

核心价值观Core Values

两善价值观:能者善为 建则善成

 ʺDouble Perfectionʺ: Ever-improving professional competence and operational capacity

企业精神 Corporate Spirit

 “两致精神:共赢致和 行稳致远

“Dual Fulfillments”: To achieve harmonious collaboration and solid development


两精宗旨:精益创造价值 精品引领未来

“Dual Sophistication”: To establish a legacy of refinement and quality innovation

企业作风Business Culture

两有作风:携手开拓有胸怀 理性务实有效率

 ʺTwo Assetsʺ: To create an inclusive workplace of viability and efficiency

经营理念:Management Ideology

 “两为理念:诚信为先 品质为本

“Two Commitments”: To execute integrity operation and quality productivity

行为准则:Code of Conduct


 ʺCooperation and Collaborationʺ:  To fulfill innovative ideals and efficient production cooperatively and collaboratively